Places for people & wildlife

We want to see a world where seeing a hedgehog is an everyday experience. We believe that developments should provide accessible natural areas close to people’s homes, designed to complement the wider local landscape and linking up large, nature-rich open spaces with a network of green and blue corridors.

Community green spaces can bring people together; and local parks and woods are valuable places for people to walk, play and unwind in.

A minimum 10% biodiversity net gain

Across our new developments, we are already committed to achieving at least a 10% biodiversity net gain.

Our biodiversity principles guide us to deliver this primarily onsite where there is the biggest local community benefit, with the flexibility to deliver verifiable and tangible off site gains where on-site isn’t achievable.

Going beyond net gain

We know nature is more complex than the calculations used for net gain. Biodiversity is more than just numbers.

Across our developments, we use a set of principles to maximise biodiversity beyond what can be calculated. From installing hedgehog highways, to nesting bricks for Swifts – we’re commited to nature recovery.

Helping residents connect with nature

We embrace opportunities to raise awareness of biodiversity with residents and people of all ages. Our gardening guide produced in partnership with Surrey Wildlife Trust, helps deepen people’s relationship with nature.

Although our calculation of biodiversity on a site doesn’t include gardens, we want to help make sure that people can cultivate a mosaic of habitats helping wildlife to thrive.



Inspiring the next generation

Education on natural processes and native flora and fauna helps plant the seeds for living sustainable lifestyles in the future.

We created an industry-leading holistic education package aligned with our values of placemaking and enhancing communities to be delivered in each of the areas we work in.



Working together with

We are proud to work with leading nature recovery organisations like Plantlife and the Bumblebee Conservation Trust to achieve our sustainability goals.



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