Thakeham Head Office opens it’s door to welcome some young recruits for the day!
Something different
It’s 08:30 at Thakeham Head Office, based in Billingshurst. There’s a different feeling as you walk into the office today.
An excited voice exclaims; ‘my daddy draws the houses!’ Another chimes in with ‘my mummy makes sure they’re perfect!’ The excitement and enthusiasm is infectious.
at 08:33, Thakeham Head Office is most definitely in the throws of its first ‘bring your child to work’ day; a jam-packed day filled with an exciting agenda to keep our new mini recruits entertained.
A window into the industry
Split into two groups, ages 6-9 and 10-16, the day kicked off with craft house building for the younger group and, for the older Thakeham team, a structural competition using just spaghetti and marshmallows. Once the groups had broken the ice,