Celebrating progress at Tadworth & Littlehampton

Topping out

‘Topping out’ is a long-standing tradition amongst the construction community, dating back as far as 700 AD. The ceremony marks the final tile being placed on the final house; a time to come together and reflect on the journey everyone on the site has been a part of.

Thakeham’s tradition

At Thakeham, we believe it is important to continue this tradition to acknowledge the hard work and commitment that it takes to produce such high quality, sustainable homes for future generations to thrive in. The ceremony brings everybody together who has contributed to the site for a hot breakfast and a speech from Rob Boughton, CEO of Thakeham, or Julian Rooney, Chief Strategy Officer for Thakeham, because being personally acknowledged and told, “Thank you” can make all the difference. Our Thakeham Family mentality sets us apart, it means that we see and appreciate the hard work of every individual who makes these places possible.

Now that lockdown restrictions are easing, it means that we can continue a social distanced version of our topping out tradition with our Thakeham Family.

Most recently, we have held topping out at Tadworth and Littlehampton, for two of our Partnerships sites.




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