

Last summer, our team consulted with residents of Alfold about proposals for 66 homes on the site. The overwhelming message that we received was that people did not support new housing which didn’t bring forward new infrastructure. As a result of those discussions, we took the decision not to continue with the application for 66 homes and to work with the local community to support the delivery of new infrastructure and community benefits requested by the people of Alfold.


We appreciate that Alfold has seen its fair share of development over the past decade and much of this new development has not been of such a scale as to support the provision of new infrastructure. That is why we plan to change the approach. Rather than continue with promoting development on smaller parcels of land, we want to create a cohesive plan for the site, which delivers genuine infrastructure-led benefits for existing and future residents of Alfold.


In late 2023, we invited the community to attend a series of roundtable discussions about the potential future development of the next phases of the Springbok Estate. We appreciate that Alfold has seen a high level of housebuilding in recent years, and are grateful to those who attended for the constructive and polite way in which they engaged with the project team.


We are moving forward with the next phase of plans for up to 245 market homes,105 new affordable homes and new infrastructure at the Springbok Estate. We held public consultation events in April 2024 for interested parties to learn more about our plans.

  • Springbok Estate, Alfold
  • Land for new homes
  • Land for new community facilities

Supporting local causes

We supports a range of local charities and organisations in Alfold. We recognise this as an important way of giving back to the community. As part of our important promises to the people and the communities we serve, we work hard to build on our existing volunteering and charity partnerships.

We’ve supported the fundriaser for Renegades Youth Group, donating £5,000 towards their new minibus. We’ve also supported the Alfold Church Café with a new dishwasher and flag.

Engaging with the community

Our community round table events in December 2023 are part of of the ongoing engagement process as we develop a cohesive set of plans for the Springbok Estate.



Springbok Estate


Contact our project team

Springbok Estate, Alfold

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    About us

    We are a Sussex-based developer employing over 250 people and several hundred additional local subcontractors throughout the south of England. We deliver sustainable, infrastructure-led communities and is an industry leader on biodiversity and the environment.

    In 2022, we were confirmed as the ‘Best Construction & Engineering Company to Work For’ in the UK and have been recognised for our work with young people and veterans. Very recently, we were recognised in the prestigious ‘Best Places to Work 2023’ guide by The Sunday Times.

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